11 October 2008

This is actually being published onto the internet right now

Hey Hey who would of thought.

(The pen would have been the downfall of civilzatlition fuck fuck fuck fuck fucxking shits on my fucking mind civixzations is fuckced becasuse4 leslie is destrouing my ideeeeees of whaaaat is right an rooojg. We alss gonna die bcvus us ares right wrong withs mys minds. I’s frprm Scandandanaviasu ya. So ghoes fucks yourseflfceves now.)

Who the fuck do you think you ar anywai

(Editors note: Published with multiple people looking over the shoulder of an idealist that could barely comprehend reality, much less what was actually being thrown onto a keyboard. I hate you guys, I'm really seriously, get the fudge out.)

1 comment:

Susan said...

who the fuck you think you are. Philosphy is bullsjit an dyour are wasting your live. Wow!!! Three explanations pints!!! God off your thisns looking over my shoulder so I can't tyy-epe correctttly.;',