18 October 2008

Gimmie some mo'

Whether you like it or not readers, as humans, we are beings of pleasure. Perhaps it is something we have been working towards over the past 10,000 years, or maybe we have always been (not for me to decipher). Are our big fucking brains for something elese, maybe the pleasure is just keeping us complacent, do we embrace it or reject it? Perhaps our focus on pleasure is completely socially based.

I would love the opportunity to see counter examples, but as far as I can see, everything we do is based on some present or future pleasure (that is, beyond the basic rules of survival). Why do we Work?

Yeah, to eat, drink, provide clothing and shelter (thanks nature). But it is really beyond that. What is success but this idea that you can sometime in the future access all the dopomine your brain can handle. Make some money this year so that some day you can buy your mini-mansion on the hill. Maybe after that you can fly to Bali and do nothing but sit back and enjoy life (though from the outside perspective, I have seen plenty of vacationers that are doing the exact opposite).

As a working College student I have seen the short term effects of dopomine use. Make enough money so that you can buy that bag/bottle/camera/television/album/movie/ticket/trip/experience/whatevermakesyouhappy. Make enough money that you can go out to the bar to find that sexual experience/relationship/comraderie/experience you are looking for. And really what is a relationship with another person (sexual or otherwise), but a long term chemical dependancy?

Tangent: Isn't it funny that those "squares" out there refer to most drugs as dope? Is that perhaps a word that has its root in the word dopamine, the chemical in our brains that triggers pleasure centers. Are foods, wines, human contact, drugs (illicit or not), fresh air, cold water, sports, urination, television, music, visual art, and other worldly powers (yeah, I'm talking to you Jesus/Mohammad/Moses/Buddha/Krishna/Confucious/etc) nothing but "drugs" meant to enhance the human experience? "Dope" if you will?

If these are just distractions meant to pass the time from life to life, than what the hell are we living for? Is that really all there is, this seventy year (plus) dopamine trip, passing the time from generation to generation? Pleasure beings dominating a planet in some sick Bacchus experiment. Just how much can a carbon-based being tolerate. If this is the direction that we are taking, I don't want to live in the world beyond this one.

Can you imagine a race of peoples that do nothing but sit around having thier over-sized brains trickled by the French tickler of their own design? Maybe this overstimulation is exactly what we need, a built up tolerance by the overuse of what may be distracting us from the purpose of humanity. If dopomine is evolution, than I quit (yeah right, junkies never really quit).

16 October 2008


They must really layer it on, because I still smell like a stripper.

But in all seriousness, lets talk about the debate. I'll be honest about this, it was the final one, and the only one I saw (except for the vice-debate, damn that Palin is sexy, eh?). Sorry, got sidetracked by iTunes (Damn you Mr. Jobs) and this Genius, that is apparantly learning from what I have taught it (we shall see). Ok, fuck you I already know what I want to listen to.

Ok, on to the debate then. What was up with that line separating the candidates? Kept changing, perhaps due to the background. Ok, fine, but really distracting. McCain's facial expressions were priceless, a thousand smirks are worth only a few words. It was like watching me try my best not to blow my load, but in this case there was nothing but weak economic policy and social ethics behind it. Not that I can say much for the rediculous grin of Obama's that is a conservative cartoonist's wet dream. Well, at least he tried to address the question at hand.

I don't want to vote for a candidate that does nothing but attack the (man) guy who he calls the attacker. You have boiled down the American voter to someone who actually listens to the ads you put out there (and the "Average 'Joe Plumber/Sixpack/Electrition/Factory Worker' TV viewer [who may or may not be buying into your bullshit in the first place]). Get past the fact that the American political system has been reduced to the same thing that CBS relied on eight years ago (Survivor), and talk about what actually matters.

That fucking smell keeps invading my nostrils, which makes me think of nothing but Sarah Palin. (Those tricky think tank bastards.) But we have gotten over that, right? (I hope so.)

What I really wanted to talk about was the asthetics of the debate itself. And first off, who the fuck was doing the camera work. Hopefully, the camera man for Obama was drugged and was recriuted by the upper eschelons of CBS. This guy just couldn't keep the darker candidate in frame. However, McCain's spastic facial expressions seemed to stay in perfect focus (hey, maybe it worked out for the better).

Quick focus on that educational issue. Way to bring it down to D.C. Not only is it the worst local education in the country, but why the fuck did you want to bring the focus there McCain? Do you actually believe that anyone else believes that your (adopted) kids actually went to (charter) schools in that district? Come on, they are more priviledged than anyone can imagine, so stop trying to convince us that they are just Joes (and that goes for you too Obama). Stop trying to "fix" the educational system unless you are actually willing to rely on it yourselves.

And that goes for the "healthcare system" too. Great, Barack, you have this plan to allow all of us to buy into the Federal Employee System that all government employees have the option to buy into. But let's be realistic, you wouldn't buy your family into this program in a million years. Just admit that you have your own twenty-five thousand dollar plan and move on. Who the fuck do you think you are kidding. If you want to move this country towards a Socialist state, just fucking admit it. Stop being a fucking poilitician and start being an honest and consious human being.

I know the voting population can't handle the truth, fuck, the majority of this country can't handle the truth. These ramblings of a crack head (probably) aren't the truth, but for fuck's sake, don't we deserve it? The fringe vote won't have it, but I would rather have another four years of Buche government than have another pair of candidates that can't tell their constituancies the truth (in the moment of truth).

I'm not editing this before I post it. It is a stream of consiousness that attempted it's formulation over five hours ago. This is not to be takin(') lightly, but it could probably use some editing.

11 October 2008

This is actually being published onto the internet right now

Hey Hey who would of thought.

(The pen would have been the downfall of civilzatlition fuck fuck fuck fuck fucxking shits on my fucking mind civixzations is fuckced becasuse4 leslie is destrouing my ideeeeees of whaaaat is right an rooojg. We alss gonna die bcvus us ares right wrong withs mys minds. I’s frprm Scandandanaviasu ya. So ghoes fucks yourseflfceves now.)

Who the fuck do you think you ar anywai

(Editors note: Published with multiple people looking over the shoulder of an idealist that could barely comprehend reality, much less what was actually being thrown onto a keyboard. I hate you guys, I'm really seriously, get the fudge out.)

02 October 2008

A Working Theory?

So, I have this working theory (that will hopefully be worked out here over the next few days or weeks) about the construct of time. Loosely based upon the Earth's rotation, time has become very important to the species. In the information age, less importance is given to the sun, and in reality we can do what we really want at any time of day (with the exception realating to the sleep schedules of others). However, there will continue to be twenty four hours in a day, three hundred sixty five point two five days in a year, and roughly seventy five years in a lifetime (for those of you who's bodies shabbally support you for further than this, well, sorry). However, with the information age comes the ability to manipulate this time, either through your own perception and ablity, or to put it bluntly, money.

The rich, those elite of this society in this space of time, have the reached to most efficiently use time to their advantage. Being finacially secure allows many of us to do the menial tasks that (whether we choose or not) make up our lives. Everybody has to pay their bills, or retrieve their groceries from the store, or get to work, ect. So far, as my deminished cranial capacity can grasp it, at nine ten on a Thursday night, the working theory comes in a series of examples (like I said, hopefully to be refined into a full hypothesis, of which the above words seem to be lacking). So, here are some ideas.

The Car:
Though it may be part of this "American Dream" that everyone own their own vehicle, it is simply just not possible. However, the accepted fact is that in order to survive (you know; food, water, shelter, clothing) human being must work within the confines of the economic structure. If you don't have a car, how do you get to work? Public transportation (which by the way is better funded than many social institutions, why? hmmmmmmmm). Those of us that can't drive directly to the centers in which we trade our time spend much more time waiting for the bus, riding the bus, and arguing with the bus drivers.

The Domestic Worker:
This may be a small percentage, but it is really only the very finacially able that can actually hire other people to do these menial tasks for us. Things like going to the grocery store, cooking meals, cleaning house, sprucing gardens and watering plants, and even raising our children. All of a sudden, these tasks (that may even take up much more than eight hours) are removed from the narrow spectrum of time we have to live. In fact, my livelyhood comes from people who can afford to spend a little extra to have their meals brought directly to them (of course the amount spent is usually quite disproportionate to the amount said customer can afford). I spend my time to almost suspend time for my clients (instead of walking to the store, these people are (hopefully) working on intellectual or artistic outlets, (but often) watching tv, playing video games, or are too drunk or stoned to move (and maybe, they just can't afford to own transportation).

The Computer/The Internet:
I recently didn't have to stand in line at the DMV to renew my car's registration. This is because I have the priviledge of internet access. Instead of spending two of my precious hours listening to music and reading while waiting for the beuracracy to chug along in front of me, I just payed the bill on-line. I can even avoid going to any number of retail outlets because I can simply have my STUFF delivered directly to my door. I don't have to go to the library or the bookstore or the newstand because all the information I need is just beyond my keyboard. Nearly realistically, if you have a computer and a credit card, you don't even need to leave the house, leaving plenty of time for mental, personal, artistic, academic, philosophical, or sexual masterbation.

The iPhone:
Combine them all, and what do you have. A device, outside the economic reaches of most human beings, that can do it all. Imagine being able to walk down the street on you way to any of these daily chores while surfing the internet (I just bought a shirt while out at the bar and a bicycle on my walk to work!). Add some applications and you don't even have to find out what music is playing, or wonder what the traffic is like, or feel detached from your out-of-state friends, or wait until you get home to see that all important tv show, because its all in your fucking hand!